Russia is considering extending its participation on the International Space Station through the year 2030. It could be a few months before there is an update on Russia's stance.

NASA and Russia's state space corporation have been partners on the International Space Station for the last 30 years. At the end of last year, the Biden administration announced its intentions to extend the space station program through 2030. Russia has yet to agree to the extension.

“we all understand the importance of this continued partnership, even in really, really, really tough times.”

After Russia invaded Ukraine in February, it appeared that the extension would not be participation by the Russian military. The United States imposed sanctions on Russia's major industries in response to the war. The station could come crashing down on the United States if Russia withdrew too early from the program, according to a wild threat made on the social networking site. He mentioned that he might revisit the partnership with the US in light of the sanctions.

Even after all that bluster, the extension may still be continued by the international partners, including Roscosmos.

As NASA prepared for the return of Mark Vande Hei on a Russian rocket this week, the program manager discussed the possibility of extending the program in Russia with officials.

NASA is expected to get its next big update on extension plans in April or May. There is a chance that Russia and the United States could continue their partnership in space.