A team ofAstronomers made a discovery while combing images taken by NASA's New Horizons spaceship.

Kelsi Singer, senior research scientist at the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado, is the author of a new study.

The finding shows that the tiny planet still has many surprises in store for us, and could be more hospitable for life than previously thought.

Pluto Slushy

The area spans over 600 miles across an impact basin. The world's biggest volcano by volume is the one in Hawaii, which is roughly the size of two volcanic domes.

The researchers suggest that the massive ice volcanoes are not that old and were formed as a result of residual heat from the tiny planet's interior.

We don't fully understand how planetary bodies work, because this means that Pluto has more internal heat than we thought.

She explained that the ice volcanoes vent a mixture of ice and water like toothpaste.

Challenging Survival

It is an intriguing discovery that adds to existing theories about what the ocean is made of. The volcanoes could be evidence that liquid water is close to the surface.

That could affect the planet's ability to harbor life.

There are still a lot of challenges for organisms trying to survive there.

Singer said that the team is excited to send a spaceship with a radar to examine what the volcanic plumbing looks like.

There are giant ice volcanoes that could hint at the possibility of life.

The existence of Jupiter wasproved by nitwits.

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