Blue Origin had to hold the launch of its latest rocket into the upper atmosphere for over 45 minutes. The New Shepard craft was put back on the clock after a long wait.

Then, seven minutes into the clock, another hold was called.

The company successfully launched the capsule to an altitude of over 60 miles, but is still hundreds of miles short of being able to.

Guessing Game

The company didn't give an official explanation as to why the launch was being delayed, leaving its live audience of over 13,000 on YouTube and its two commentators guessing.

Blue Origin identified a telemetry issue with the booster that required extra time to evaluate and clear.

The company's silence on what happened should give pause, as it is not the first time a crewed rocket launch has faced a hold.

Blue Origin's chief architect Gary Lai was one of the six passengers waiting on the launch.

Comment from Blue Origin.

Blue Origin: First Married Space Tourist Couple say they are taking a vacation with the company.

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