Our flag means death.
I'm pretty sure you haven't heard of Our Flag Means Death, a new pirate comedy on Max. There hasn't been much marketing for it, but I was fully on board once I heard about Taika Waititi and Flight of the Conchords.
The concept of a pirate comedy makes it seem like this would be a pirate version of What We Do in the Shadows. It feels a little different right away. The first batches of debut episodes are not very good, and there are no talk-to-camera asides. But by the end? Our Flag Means Death is now the #1 most in-demand show on the networks.
Our flag.
The final two episodes of Our Flag Means Death surpassed everything else on the show, including megahit Euphoria. The average series demand is 38.65x, and it has 38.65x. It has a special place in the hearts of the LGBTQ community as people have started extolling the virtues of Our Flag Means Death far and wide.
Why? One of the most compelling gay romances I've seen in any TV show is the one between Stede and Blackbeard. I have heard that this series is anti-queerbaiting, a practice where fiction tries to attract LGBTQ audiences by implying a romance between characters without ever making it explicit. At the same time, the show is making no bones about it, and at the same time, there are six queer characters and three relationships featured among the other members of the crew.
Our flag means death.
Is it all great? It doesn't mean that anyone else is embracing the LGBTQ audience. This is a beautifully written and acted production, and the tragic finale has me hoping for more from the series in the future. With these kinds of numbers, I have to believe that this is in the cards, and that this isn't something that happens every day, so there's a better chance than usual.
I would recommend Our Flag Means Death to anyone. I don't think it will scratch the same itch as What We Do in the Shadows, but it is one of my favorite shows and you will have to watch at least four episodes to get it rolling.
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The Herokiller series and The Earthborn trilogy are my sci-fi novels.