Zak wants to get the sunglasses back from the Walker family. The star of Ghost Adventures bought a pair of Maui Jim sunglasses that were recovered from the crash site, but he doesn't feel comfortable displaying them at his museum in Las Vegas. Zak wants to return the shades worn by Paul at the time of the crash to the Walker family for free. You will recall. There was a lot of outrage when the sunglasses that Paul wore went up for auction for $15,000, because he died in a fiery car crash. They were found in the bushes by a man who was at the crash site. The man who found the glasses tried to get in touch with Paul's family but never heard back. He put the sunglasses up for auction, but they never sold. The owner of the auction reached out to Zak and he bought them from him. Zak says he would ask the Walkers for permission to display the sunglasses in a memorial exhibit if they didn't want them. Zak has a collection of artifacts related to dead celebrities, including a piece of the James Dean death car, Sharon Tate's wedding dress and a Patrick Swayze tooth. Stay on top of it.