Mobile phone users are donating to Ukraine via new technologies. Money is being sent directly to those affected by the war in Ukraine by using technology.

There are contents.

  • Removing the middleman
  • Crypto goes to war

According to Brian Chesky, 434,000 nights have been booked on the platform, which is equivalent to 15 million dollars transferred to hosts in Ukraine. The future of international aid may be found in individual donations through software rather than charities.

The power technology and the vast networks have to connect consumers to philanthropic causes all over the world, according to the head of social impact at ShoppingGives.

Removing the middleman

In the first few days of the war, thousands of people booked rooms on the platform even though they didn't want to stay in the country. The idea was that the money would be used for the benefit of the hosts. The system where users can offer to host refugees was set up by the company.

The company wrote on its website that it doesn't make any money on short-term stays because they are funded

Consumers will be given the option to vote with their money.

Apple is one of the companies that made it easier to support the citizens of Ukraine. A donation button can be found at the top of Apple's website. You can use any of the payment methods attached to your account, and donations go through your Apple ID.

The future of aid is giving individuals the power to give back through innovative tech. Companies can integrate a method of donating money to charitable causes into their websites with the help of her company, ShoppingGives.

Crypto goes to war

Concet art shows the acronym MFT on a dark blue background.
Sergey Shulgin/Getty Images

The Ukrainian government is supported by cryptocurrencies. According to research from Elliptic, Ukraine has received more than $50 million in donations in the last year.

The Ukrainian government asked for donations on February 26. Donations worth $54.4 million have been made to the addresses listed in the tweets.

Steven Bumbera, the chief operating officer of the organization, said in an email interview that potential donors should beware.

He said that there are no apps being used for this and that if someone invites you to download an unknown app, it is likely a scam.

Bumbera said that the only application you need to donate is a wallet. The wallet address is like a public-facing accounting/routing number combination that does not need to be secured. You need three items to donate to an organization. A wallet is the first thing that comes to mind. The second is an exchange. The wallet address of the person or organization you want to donate to is the third. Come Back Alive, Ukraine DAO, and the Kyiv Independent are all charities that accept donations directly.

Konstantyn Perederiy, a senior vice president at Customertimes, a consulting firm with employees in Ukraine, told Lifewire that distribution of the aid will be a challenge during and after the war. Real estate restoration and humanitarian needs will be included in the aid.

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