The “Highly Cited” label shown on an article’s preview image.
Image: Google

The company is announcing today that it will be adding a new label to search results frequentlysourced by other publications. Anything from local news stories, to interviews, announcements, and even press releases will be eligible for the new label being added to the search result if other websites are linking to it. More information is being added to Search and about this result.

The search giant hopes that its highly cited label will help highlight original reporting, which can include important context that is stripped out when a story gets picked up more widely. It's helpful to find press releases from companies of your own. The label will be launched in the US on mobile for English- readers will be able to find the most helpful or relevant information for a news story.

Along with the highly cited label, Google is expanding its attempts to help search users critically evaluate the results they are being shown. The notice it shows on searches relating to rapidly evolving topics will remind users to check if a source is trustworthy, or just tell them to come back later when more information is available. The change is for English searches in the US. Improvements to its About This Result feature, which offer more context about each website in search results, will be rolled out in the coming weeks.