According to news reports, Bruce was diagnosed with aphasia, a neurological disorder that affects language and speech, and is stepping away from his career.
The actor was having cognitive issues due to his recent diagnosis according to his family. The left side of your brain is the part that has been damaged by the disorder. Damage can be a result of stroke, head injury, a brain tumor, or dementia. It can come on suddenly after a stroke or head trauma, or gradually as a result of brain tumor or progressive disease.
As a family, we wanted to share that our beloved Bruce has been experiencing some health issues and has recently been diagnosed with aphasia, which is impacting his cognitive abilities.
There are two broad categories of aphasia, called fluent and non-fluent, which are distinguished by the area damaged and symptoms. The most common type of aphasia is called broca aphasia, which occurs when a part of the brain is damaged. A person with this disorder can generally understand what others are saying, but they can eliminate certain words from their language and talk in short sentences. Weakness or paralysis on the right side of the body can be caused by damage to the front part of the brain.
The Wernicke area of the brain is damaged in people with Wernicke aphasia, which is the most common type of fluent aphasia. A person with Wernicke, or receptive aphasia, delivers long and confusing sentences instead of omitting words and speaking in short sentences. People with Wernicke aphasia have trouble understanding what others are saying.
A large part of the language-dominant side of the brain can be damaged. Aphasia can cause difficulty speaking or comprehending language.
There are no reports on whether or not the 67-year-old was diagnosed with aphasia or if he had a stroke. Aphasia can occur in young children, though it is usually diagnosed in middle-age or later. According to the National Institute on Deafness and other Communication Disorders, about 1 million people in the US have aphasia. Speech therapy and training to use communication aids that enable a person to speak via pictures, gestures and even electronic devices can be part of the treatment.
It was originally published on Live Science.