Jim Irsay is having a hard time coming to terms with having signed QB Carson Wentz.

The Colts traded the former No. 2 overall pick to Washington, and Jim Irsay is still not over it. Irsay can't seem to get past his mistake of trading for Wentz and how the team fell apart last season.

It feels like Irsay is holding onto the experience as if he were the one who was hit in the face by Will Smith in front of the world. Irsay is still throwing jabs at his former quarterback.

Irsay said the worst thing you can do is have a mistake and try to live with it.

We had to move away from being a franchise. It was obvious.

Before Irsay traded for him, there were rumors that he wasn't a great locker room guy or team leader. What Irsay is saying can be understood. Irsay decided to cut bait sooner rather than later because of mistakes. For him to continue to go after him in such a way is just not right.

Irsay said that when he spoke to veterans in confidence, they shared what was happening.

Irsay said that you can't always persuade people to do things differently if they don't want to do them differently.

This short-lived relationship between the Colts and Wentz sounds like it was doomed to fail from the start. If Wentz’s former offensive coordinator, Frank Reich, wasn’t the head coach in Indy, this deal probably wouldn’t have happened when it did. Reich vouched for Wentz to Irsay, then had to apologize after things didn’t work out the way he’d envisioned.

The Colts have had a hard time finding a quarterback since Andrew Luck left before the season started. They went from Jacoby to Philip and then to Carson. After trading for Matt Ryan, the Colts will have a fourth stop-gap QB in four years.

It's understandable that Irsay could feel deceived. There was information on him. I'm pretty sure a lot of people within the Eagles organization would have given up a lot for Wentz and how he was viewed in the locker room. It's one thing to listen to your head coach, but it's another thing to do your own due diligence.

It is time for Jimmy to put this behind him. It was Wentz who got over on you. You've got your new quarterback, who is a better leader and locker room guy than the one you had before, so be happy. Irsay is going at Wentz publicly and it is immature. Irsay should let his team talk about their improvement on the field. If Indy makes the playoffs in year one with Ryan, Irsay and the Colts will win.