Things here on Earth have gotten dicey recently.

It's no wonder that people are imagining getting messages from aliens, as explored in a delightful new thread on the Space subreddit.

Which would be worse? To hear a call to arms, a warning not to resist, or a cry for help?

Some of our favorites are listed below. Be afraid.

Realistically Speaking

Realistically, any sort of distress message or epitaph/gravestone message left would be the most terrifying thing to hear. While we could [always] have a planetary disaster wipe us out, to find hard evidence of it happening [would] make the threat that much more real.

It’s like yeah people get murdered everyday, but it changes when someone on your block dies.

This person really took the cake. What hope would we have if an advanced civilization were destroyed?

Attention, Attention

I’d suggest, “People of Earth your attention please…”

The Vogon destruction of Earth is the main conflict at the beginning of Douglas Adams's Guide to theGalaxy.

All Quiet on the Western Front

Probably something to the effect of “quiet.” Would indicate we’ve been spewing radio waves for centuries, and there’s something big and bad out there listening.

Knowing we were heard and getting a reply suggesting that there is something horrible and dangerous listening is the scariest thing.

Reddit Alien

Anything at all that we could comprehend.

Any alien will freak us out.

Or Nothing At All

I don’t think any alien message could scare anyone now. People will be divided between being offended, not giving a shit or making memes of it.

We have dealt with so much at this point that nothing can scare us anymore.

More on aliens: Scientists are working on a way to detect alien civilization.

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