The Red Forest is a grim part of the Chernobyl disaster lore and involves a patch of pine trees that turned red after absorbing huge doses of radiation.
The Red Forest is back in the news because multiple sources at the disaster site say that when Russian forces seized the plant earlier this month, they drove a convoy of vehicles directly through the still-forbidden area.
The acting director of Chernobyl told the news agency that nobody goes there for God's sake.
The Russian forces didn't seem to understand the significance of the disaster site according to the man.
When they were asked if they knew about the 1986 catastrophe, they did not have a clue, according to another worker at the disaster site.
Workers at the plant said that the armored convoy appears to have kicked up radioactive dust in the entire area, with sensor readings spiking to seven times their normal level before going offline.
If workers at the melted down facility are to be believed, the invasion has posed a bigger risk to the Chernobyl disaster site. Russia has been accused of interfering in the fight against fires near the site. According to a report last week, radioactive materials have gone missing from a laboratory that scientists believe could be used to make a dirty bomb.
Russia destroyed a lab that monitors Chernobyl radiation levels.
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