tells you the COVID-19 risk level in your community.

The Biden administration has launched a website to connect Americans with more information about the disease.

On the front page of the site, you can enter the name of your county, and it will display the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's COVID-19 risk level in your community. The metric is based on hospital capacity. You can find more information about vaccinations, masking, and travel from the CDC on the site. You can find free N95 masks and vaccination sites near your location on some pages.

You can get four free COVID-19 tests through the US government at If you have already ordered four tests for your household, you can order another round.

The Test to Treat locator allows high-risk people with COVID-19 to receive an antiviral pill. The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response is responsible for the initiative.

The launch is a sign of the Biden administration's transition towards a new phase of Pandemic Response, where it hopes to have COVID-19 be less disruptive to day-to-day lives. As the United States heads into another wave of infections, funding for free testing dries up, and the administration struggles to get Congress to fund pandemic response efforts, the country is less prepared to handle infectious disease outbreaks.


How to order free rapid COVID tests from the US government