Tax season brings an increase in calculated schemes to steal money and personal information through spoofed messages and other means. There has been an increase in fraud attempts that exploit the conflict in Ukraine, which has increased fears of potential cyberattacks on American companies. If you know what's out there, you can protect yourself. This is a guide.
The IRS doesn't make first contact with taxpayers by email, text messages, or social media channels, but they can request personal and financial information. phishing attempts to steal money and identities are deceptive.
If the I.R.S. needs your attention, it starts with a notice by regular mail.
The I.R.S. won't send you messages about auditing returns, sendingStimulus payments, or Canceling your Social Security number. The agency says that written notification is sent first.
The use of spoofed agency numbers and forged I.R.S. agent identification is a common scam. The agency usually first sends a notice by mail. It doesn't call suddenly to discuss tax refunds, threaten arrest by local law enforcement or demand immediate payment in a specific form. Tax bills are paid to the U.S. Treasury and not directly to agents, but they do require funds in iTunes or Amazon gift cards, electronic cash or wire transfer.
There is a lengthy list of current and classic tax scam on the official site. There is a guide on the site for verification of real I.R.S. agents.
Sign up for the On Tech With Shira Ovide newsletter, for Times subscribers only. A guide to how technology is changing the world, in wonderful and not-so-wonderful ways.Natural disasters and humanitarian crises, such as the Covid-19 Pandemic and the war in Ukraine, are quickly taken advantage of by opportunists. It is a good idea to be cautious of messages from unfamiliar organizations requesting donations by credit card or cryptocurrencies. Unless you know the person behind the campaign, you should avoid it.
It is easy to spot fraud attempts. There are instant red flags when it comes to Typo-laden messages, impersonal correspondence from Gmail and Yahoo accounts, and voice mail messages left in robotic computer speech. The fake invoices and forged PayPal notices are still popular.
Junk filters and blocking unwanted calls and text senders can help you avoid many scam artists. Allow callers to go to voice mail. Wirecutter has a guide to fighting the calls.
Make sure your browser is set to block pop-up messages. Don't install apps from unknown developers, and keep your computer safe. It's likely that the attachment is a piece of software. If you have concerns about an account, open your browser and go to the company's website.
The site of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has a detailed page on frauds. Even if you've been practicing safe computing for a long time, you may have a friend or relative who isn't as tech savvy.