The Ukrainian military warned that the apparent withdrawal of Russian forces from the northern cities of Kyiv and Chernihiv is likely just a rotation of troops that aim to deceive Ukrainian forces.

According to some indications, the Russian enemy is regrouping units to focus its main efforts on the East, according to the general staff of the Ukrainian armed forces.

At the same time, the so-called withdrawal of troops is probably a rotation of individual units and is meant to deceive the military leadership of the armed forces of Ukraine.

Moscow declared on Tuesday that it would dramatically reduce its assaults near the capital of Ukraine and the country's northernmost city.

Alexander Fomin, the Russian deputy defense minister, said earlier in the day that his country's military pullout was to increase mutual trust and create the necessary conditions for further negotiations.

Fomin made the announcement on the same day as the fourth round of ceasefire talks between Ukraine and Russia.

The Pentagon questioned Russia's withdrawal claims and called the troop movements repositioning.

On the same day that the Russians say they're withdrawing, the Pentagon is seeing a small number moving away from Kyiv.

He said that they were not prepared to call it a retreat or even a withdrawal.

We should be prepared for a major offensive against other areas of Ukraine. Kirby said that the threat to Kyiv isn't over.

President Joe Biden told reporters on Tuesday that they would see. I don't read anything into it until I see what their actions are. We will see if they follow through.

Kate Bedingfield, White House Communications Director, said that no one should be fooled by Russia's announcements.

34 days have passed since Russian President Putin launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. At least 1,179 Ukrainian civilians have been killed in the war, according to the United Nation. The casualty figures are likely to be much higher.