It's all fun and free speech until someone gets hurt.

He gave serious thought to starting his own social network because of the failure of the social network to adhere to free speech principles.

John Bernal, a former employee of the company, was fired in March after he posted a video on his channel that was critical of the company's self-driving software.

In a video he posted before being fired, Bernal demonstrated that the software in his car had serious issues, including randomly disengaging while he was driving, forcing him to scramble to take back control of the vehicle. In a later update, the former employee said that he was fired from the company in February because of his videos.

Chilling Effect

Business Insider notes that other people have chilled Musk's speech. The CEO of the electric car company found the identity of a person who had posted something about the company's stock profile and then contacted their employer with threats of a lawsuit.

The author of the farewell post said that they had stopped writing aboutTesla and had stopped using their social media accounts. A friend of Musk's had spoken to Musk, who warned Montana Skeptic that he would engage counsel if he continued to write.

Just this month, Musk insisted that he is a free speech absolutist, but as Bernal and others have noted, his ideals don't always match up to his actions.

One user wrote, "Elon Musk is not Tony Stark."

Musk has a history of retaliation against employees and critics.

Musk says sometimes he feels lonely.

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