Insall said that they watched in amazement as they loaded all the cells in and they instantly saw the shortcut. The Cells snuck through like shoppers at Ikea that spare them a trip through the sofa section.

This alternative mechanism for guiding cells confers incredible ability onto these cells. Cell movements can be explained by self-generated gradients.

People are opening their eyes, and it's now possible to see what's going on in cancer cells, fish embryos, immune cells,bacteria, and more.

Insall expects that most cell migration uses self-generated gradients.

A soft spot.

Cells can create gradients in other physical attributes as well as chemical signals, so much of the research to date has looked at chemical signals. The authors of the recent paper were surprised by the self-generated stiffness of the neural crest cells.

Adam Shellard of University College London tested the rigidity of their surroundings to understand how neural crest cells navigate. He carefully examined the tissues within the frog embryos. He noticed a softer area amid the more rigid tissues when he pressed here and there. The soft spot stayed still. The neural crest cells were traveling around the extracellular matrix as they traveled.

A figure explaining how self-guided stiffness gradients allow neural crest cells to migrate through a chase-and-run mechanism.

Even though the neural crest cells cause this to happen in their surroundings, they don't want to stay in it, so they shift to the stiffer areas up ahead. Roberto Mayor of University College London, one of the authors of the study, said that it might be because it is easier to walk on pavement than sand.

The researchers knew that the cells in front of the migrating cells produced a chemical attractant to help draw the cells forward. The placode cells are repelled by the neural crest cells, so they run in the opposite direction. The neural crest cells are driven forward by a chase and run mechanism thanks to the newly discovered mechanical gradient.

Shellard said that no one thought it could be true or that there was a way to do it.

It made perfect sense to Insall when he read it. He said that you figure that must happen.

The idea is gaining traction. Mayor's inbox was flooded with messages from other researchers about the same mechanism that seemed to work in embryos, immune cells and cancer after the paper was published. There are many papers coming out that will show this, Mayor predicted.

How Gradients Even Out Irregularities

Some researchers have found out why self-generated gradients work so well and are so resilient to disruptions.

Sujit Datta is an assistant professor of chemical and biological engineering at Princeton University. In a recent paper in eLife, Datta's team 3D-printed E. coli into gels that were similar to ball pits for cells. As the cells spread out into the gel, they smoothed out into an even band.

Photos of researchers Adam Shellard and Roberto Mayor of University College London.

There was a self-generated gradients that explained why. The abundance ofbacteria on the hills of the squiggles saturated their sensors. They didn't start to spread outward until after they broke down all the local vitamins and minerals. In the valleys of the squiggles, thebacteria had less food nearby. They were able to take off earlier. The headstart allowed them to catch up to the bacteria on the top of the hills.

Datta observed in a preprint that the same principle may apply to other types of gradients, including the Mayor and Shellard. The disruptions are likely to be different. Important processes in development and healing can be thrown off if they are disrupted.

According to Insall, the robustness of self-generated gradients could affect the prospects for some proposed cancer therapies. He thinks that the treatments that aim to curb cancer by disrupting the self-generated gradients it follows through the body are unlikely to succeed because the cells are too likely to reestablish the gradients. It might be better to flip this strategy on its head so that the cells spread to destinations that are less harmful and more vulnerable.

The ability of cells on the move is explained by the concept of self-generated gradients. According to a professor at the University of Zurich, biologists sometimes think about cells as if they were made by their genes. He asked, "When the ball comes to them, what do they do? They make decisions on the fly and adapt to changing."

They make the decisions together at the level of the cells.