There is one person who is firmly in the corner of Will Smith, and that is his son. The entire world seems to have reacted to Will's violent behavior, and celebrities are no exception, with several high-profile stars weighing in online. The rapper had a lot of thoughts on the matter, writing "You just got to witness in real time what happens in a man's soul when he looks over to the woman he loves." This is what every man feels when he sees a joke. Imagine what it would be like to lose your hair to the point where you have to shave it bald. You think it's easy to deal with anyone? So, clearly. Will and Jada are team Will. Judd Apatow was emphatic in condemning the assault. He could have killed him. That is out of control rage and violence. They have been the subject of a million jokes in the last three decades. They are experienced in the world of comedy and Hollywood. He lost his mind. Others were either confused or amused by what had happened. Billy Eichner, Jodie and O'Brien are included in that category. Will and Jada's own flesh and blood was the most telling response. Jaden Smith apparently co-signed what his old man had just done. As soon as the broadcast ended, Jada appreciated Will getting up there, because Chris Rock was trying to talk to both of them. Will and Jada holding hands appeared to put on a united front. There is a lot of chatter abouttoxic masculinity and whether Will is a representation of that. There seems to be an opposing group who say he was doing what a good partner should do to defend his woman. Something tells us that this is going to be discussed and debated for a long time. For all the wrong reasons, we are left with the weird moment, which is going down in history.