After the show went to break, Will Smith was comforted by two people who were also in his corner. During the commercial break, Will Smith is pulled aside and comforted by Denzel Washington and Tyler Perry, who motion for him to brush it off. Will appears to wipe tears from his eyes as he sits back down with Jada, with Denzel comforting Jada and Will’s rep by his side. The two actors were chatting to WS off to the side, and they led him back to his table, where he was embraced by someone else. Will is said to have wiped tears from his eyes. It is not clear if he will be allowed to stay for the rest of the show. Will Smith hit Chris Rock in the face after the comedian made a joke about Jada Pinkett Smith. Chris was up on stage Sunday presenting for Best Documentary, but before he started naming the nominees, he made fun of Will and Jada Pinkett Smith. Chris made a comment about Jada, which got some groans from the crowd. Chris didn't think Will crossed a line, but he clearly did because he socked the dude in the face. A stunned Rock exclaimed. Will Smith just hit me. In other countries, the American broadcast on ABC continued, but Will shouted "Chris, keep my wife's name out your mouth" twice. The room was tense with a sense of unease as Chris handed out the Oscar, but he regained his composure and carried on. Jada has been documenting her battle with hair loss since she was diagnosed with Alopecia. As of now. Will and Jada are in the crowd. Originally published at 7:50 PM. ABC