Musk is optimistic about the future of the planet.

We will solve the climate issue. He said in a recent interview that it was a question of when.

Decarbonization will be achieved through solar energy according to the CEO. Musk says that the key to this transition is a technology to store the sun's energy for future use.

He said that the sun only shines during the day, and sometimes it is cloudy. That is the main way that civilization is powered.

He told Döpfner that it is essential to maintain nuclear energy plants until the shift to solar is feasible.

He said that it was madness to shut them down. I want to be clear.

Germany decided to phase out nuclear energy in the wake of the disaster in Japan. He called for more nuclear energy in Europe on the social networking site, as Russia's invasion of Ukraine underscored Germany's dependence on Russian oil.

—Elon Musk (@elonmusk) March 6, 2022

If there is no massive natural disaster risk, it is more of a question, according to Musk.

The country is at risk of storms, floods and earthquakes, according to the Helmholtz Association, the largest scientific organization in Germany.

In a question to Musk, Döpfner mentioned wind and solar as viable alternatives to nuclear. In his response, the CEO did not mention wind.

In 15 years, the climate issue will look much better from a sustainable energy standpoint, according to Musk. The fundamental goal of the company is to solve the problem.