Musk wants a future with humanoid robots.

He said that humanoid robots are happening.

During a recent conversation with the CEO of Insider's parent company, Musk shared his thoughts.

He talked about potential uses for the robot.

The initial role must be boring or repetitive. Work that people don't want to do.

Musk said that it would be a general focused humanoid and that it would feature in people's daily lives, such as by lending a hand around the house.

He thinks it is possible that one day people will be able to download their brain capacities.

He said that we could download the things that we believe make ourselves unique.

Musk talked about the robot's design.

Humans have designed the world to interact with a bipedal humanoid with two arms and ten fingers.

Musk said that he thinks that the company will have something pretty good at the prototype level this year and that it will have at least a moderate volume production around the end of the year.

He first showed the 5-foot-8, 125-poundTeslaBot at a company event in August of 2021. He called it the most important product development this year.

Musk talked about a lot of other topics in the interview. He said that we cannot let Putin take over Ukraine and that he thinks Putin is wealthier than him.