As if the Russian invasion of Ukraine couldn't get any worse, the country is selling NFTs to fund its military.

Mykhailo Fedorov, Ukraine's minister of digital transformation, announced on Friday that the country would begin selling digital token based on the Russian invasion. According to the NFTs website, proceeds from the sales would be used to support the army and civilians of Ukraine.

While Russia uses tanks to destroy Ukraine, we rely on revolutionaryBlockchain tech. He said that the project would help keep the memory of war and celebrate the Ukrainian identity.

Museum of War

The NFTs is a collection of news stories and illustrations based on the ongoing war. The collection uses a platform called

There are 54 NFTs listed on the website with images such as Russia announces a special military operation in the east of the country, with an image of a tweet from the BBC up for sale.

Ukraine claims to have raised more than $54 million through donations of cryptocurrencies in order to help fund war and relief efforts in the country. There is something to be said for jumping on the train to raise money.

It's still a very grim sign of the times, one in which vacuous trends like NFTs are being used in order to help raise money for countries trying to defend themselves from an invasion.

Ukraine is selling a timeline of the Russian invasion.

The US created emergency plans in case Putin decided to nuke the world.

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