He's wrong when he's wrong.

Back in January of 2016 Musk predicted that within two years owners of the company would be able to click.

In 2 years, summon should work anywhere connected by land and not blocked by borders, eg you're in LA and the car is in NY.

@elonmusk will come in handy during the zombie apocalypse

— Dana “Resilience Fatigue” Hull 👩🏻‍💻 (@danahull) January 10, 2016

Full Self Delusion

It should come as no surprise that Musk's dream of a fully self-driving car has not come true in six years.

It has been eight years since he claimed the tech would happen in the following year.

Keeping Tabs

In early 2021, one automotive magazine published a running list of all the broken promises Musk has made regarding the company.

There would be upwards of a million autonomously driving cars on the streets of major cities, according to Musk.

We have to ask, why do people keep buying this guy when his track record is so bad?

READ MORE: Checking in on All the Promises Elon Musk and Tesla Have Made [Road & Track]

The employee who posted the videos about self- driving was fired by the company.

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