The boss of the Spanish Tourist Board has described travel agents as the organisation's closest allies.

The director general of Turespa said he wants people to discover more of Spain beyond the most popular destinations in the future.

He told Travel Weekly that agents are the ones who inspire clients and customers to visit destinations.

There are 85 free holidays to Spain available to frontline travel agents.

When visitors to Spain visit, they tend to head to the same locations, but Castedo wants them to come back again.

More than 50% of people who come to Spain for their vacations have been to the country more than 10 times.

They often go to the same destinations each time they visit, but of course Spain has much more to offer, and we need agents to tell these people about the unknown cities and coastal resorts of Spain.

We need agents to tell their clients about the natural resources in Spain, about the national parks, the heritage and the many destinations in Spain which are unknown to the average British holidaymaker.

The Spanish Tourist Board launched a training platform for travel agents called the Spain Specialist Programme, which features 11 modules that transport agents on a journey through Spain from Andalusia in the south to the Basque Country.

The travel agent is the most trusted source of information for travellers.

When people need to discover new places and more about their favourite places, they turn to travel agents.

There are 85 free holidays to Spain available to frontline travel agents.