James Bond Tombstone

The Bond theme was "Are you death or paradise?"

James Bond's final resting place is Kalsoy Island of the Faroe Islands. The location was where Daniel Craig would carry the mantle in No Time to Die. There was a little bit of time for Craig to die in the film. He made the time on his own terms and Craig was done. The send off was not too surprising, but it did create a sad end to the era.

The tourist board of the Faroe Islands has erected a monument in honor of the film. The whole thing was a labor of love from fans who live there. They took great care to have an acclaimed stonemason from the village of Skopoun cut a gorgeous grave out of the basalt. It is the same shape and design as Bond's parents' tombstone in Skyfall, and they inscribed it with a quote from Ian Fleming, who wrote an obituary for Bond when he was presumed dead.

The King of Kalsoy is thanked in the film's closing credits by a local sheep farmer. He leads the trek to the location of James Bond's final resting place if you book the tour.

If you don't feel like going to the Faroe Islands in person, you can now buy or rent No Time to Die on all home release platforms.

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