Nova in space.

Nova, Nova, Nova. The studio has been asked to bring in the superhero known as Nova for a long time. It seems that it is finally happening.

According to Deadline, one of the writers on Moon Knight is working on a project for Nova. We will update the article when and if we hear from Disney.

Nova, real name Richard Rider, was a normal kid who was randomly selected to be a member of the Nova Corps as the rest of them were dying. He jumped into action and became a powerful force for justice. The Rider version of the character was released in 1976 and was written by Marv Wolfman.

Some crumbs are likely to be seen by fans of the movies and the comics. The story of Rider, the leader of the Nova Corps, is very similar to that of Peter Quill in the films, though he doesn't have the traditional Nova powers. Nova should be able to fit into the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe with the addition of Eternals and everyone in the THOR films.

That is the question. Is it streaming or cinematic? Nova's intergalactic origins seem suited for the big screen, but the same could be said for the god-like Moon Knight or elastic Ms. At this point, no one knows what the project will be. If the project feels like a two-hour movie, then maybe it's a movie. If it is a six-hour story, then Disney+ might be the best option. The fact that this popular character is finally getting a shot is exciting for fans of the comic book company.

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