Oscar Isaac as Mr. Knight, one facet of Moon Knight’s personality.
Oscar Isaac as Mr. Knight, one facet of Moon Knight’s personality.
Courtesy of Marvel Studios

Steven Grant's Britishness and vocal quirks are significant details about him that are likely to factor into how the show handles the character's struggles with dissociative identity disorder. The decision to depict Moon Knight as an Englishman came about as a result of the larger shape of the current MCU.

The Moon Knight of the comic books was born and raised in Chicago before becoming a marine-turned-costumed superhero in Disney Plus' upcoming Moon Knight series. During the Moon Knight press junket, he opened up about how bringing his own biological brother onto the project helped shape his approach to both Steven Grant and one of Moon Knight's alternate personalities.

It was helpful to have someone who was a great actor but also shares my genes.

Moon Knight was always going to be set in London, because Marvel felt like they had too many characters in New York. After seeing his Moon Knight character as an opportunity to showcase his passion for English comedies, that changed.

I wondered if we could make him English. What if Peter Sellars was offered a project? What would he do?

Karl Pilkington's performance in An Idiot Abroad was a reference point for his Moon Knight, more for his sense of humor than for his accent.

I started listening to accents from Northeast London and found this character.

Disney Plus will show Moon Knight on March 30th.