The head of Russia's Ministry of Defense, Sergei Shoigu, has not been seen in public for over a week, according to reports and messages on Telegram. Investigative journalists from the Russian independent news outlets Mediazona and Agentstvo claimed on Wednesday that normally media savvy Shoigu has not appeared in public since March 11. There are rumors that Shoigu is in poor health and that he might have been fired from the ministry and put on house arrest, according to Russian journalists. Fox News hasn't verified the allegations yet. The top Russian general reported that they had captured the top Russian targets. Shoigu was last seen in public on March 11 presenting awards to Russian troops occupying Ukraine, but what the West has condemned as a full-scale invasion of the country. The Kremlin said in a statement on its website on March 18 that Shoigu was present during a meeting Putin called with members of his security council to discuss the progress of the special operation in Ukraine, but no photos or videos of the meeting were posted online. The Russian state-run Channel 1 aired a broadcast on March 18 about Shoigu presenting military awards, but used an image of the ceremony that had already been posted on the Ministry of Defense website seven days earlier. RIA has not reported about Shoigu since March 11. The first major city to be occupied by Russian forces on March 2 was Kherson. The great PR minister Shoigu has been out of public space since March 11th. There was a lot of Telegram chatter about the location of Russia's defense minister Sergei Shoigu, but he has not been seen with Putin in three days. Putin ordered Shoigu and the general staff of the armed forces of Russia to put Russia's nuclear forces on high alert. The Russian investigative outlets reported that Gerasimov hasn't made any public appearances since March 11. According to Agenstvo, Shoigu has made media appearances a priority since becoming Minister of Defense in 2012 and had appeared on television nearly every day since the start of the invasion of Ukraine up until March 11. Russian forces on the ground have stopped after suffering heavy casualties, while continuing their bombardment and air strikes against major population centers in Ukrainian cities. Between 7,000 and 15,000 Russian troops have been killed in Ukraine according to NATO. According to reports, Putin has been conducting a witch hunt within his own inner circle over the belief that those close to him are leaking information about his military plans to the West. At least five Russian generals have been claimed to have been killed by Ukrainian officials. Russian generals are being forced to advanced positions on the battlefields, leaving them exposed to attack, as they struggle to get orders to disorganized conscripted troops on the front lines, according to Foreign Policy Magazine. A Ukrainian soldier wanders down a railway past the bodies of dead Russian soldiers on the outskirts of Irpin. At the beginning of Russia's invasion, almost no one in the West expected that Ukraine would be able to offer Russia any kind of serious opposition. The leadership ability of Volodymyr Zelenskyy has been written about. But beyond miscalculatin. On Tuesday, Trump withdrew his support for the congressman as he struggled to keep his campaign afloat. The zero-cost solar program has no hidden charges and you can qualify now. She had nothing to do with the hearings, according to Durbin. If the United States pressed on with its plan to destroy Russia, the world could spiral into a nuclear wasteland, one of President Putin's closest allies warned on Wednesday. The United States has been involved in a "primitive game" with Russia since the fall of the Soviet Union, according to the deputy secretary of Russia's Security Council. The Group of 20 summit is being hosted by Indonesia this year and Russian President Vladimir Putin plans to attend, according to Russia's ambassador to the Southeast Asian country. Western nations are trying to exclude Moscow from the G-20, a group of the world's largest economies. He wants to attend, according to the Ambassador. It takes a photographic memory to score over 70%. They spoke out against the legislation. The chances of figuring out why the Boeing plane hit the ground at the speed of a missile, killing all 132 people on board, suddenly looks more hopeful. It's not surprising that the Chinese people at the site think that the impact is severe. According to a forthcoming book, Harris had her spokeswoman complain to Anna Wintour about the photo. Some of the best company responses will be seen on social media. Bennedict Mathurin doesn't remember making contact with the showgirl, but he wants to apologize. Paul was removed from the plane at Miami International Airport because he had a revoked passport. Miami-Dade Police Detective Alvaro Zabaleta said that the man was removed from the flight without incident but asked more questions about U.S. Customs and Border Protection. The lawyer who has represented him did not return a call or email. It's me, bling bling it. Trump slammed the candidate for telling voters to look past Trump's false claims, and pulled his endorsement of the congressman. Ned Price said that the Kremlin may have been surprised by the resistance of the Ukrainians. Jackson said that she did her duty to hold the defendants accountable, in response to questions about her sentencing on child pornography cases. There are 21 tips to upgrade your shopping experience. The second day of Supreme Court nomination hearings began with Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson defending herself against Republican accusations that she had been too soft on child porn offenders. Harris worried that Biden's staff looked down on her, according to a new book. The highest-level official in the Russian government would split with the Kremlin over the war in Ukraine. There are 40 wild facts about Adam West's Batman show. The running back wrote a letter to his former teammate. An allegation of rape by a Russian soldier in a suburb at the edge of Kyiv was the subject of a Ukrainian investigation. The properties of Alisher Usmanov were transferred to irrevocable trusts in 2006 for estate-planning purposes.Fox News