DualSense Photo by Vjeran Pavic / The Verge

The PS Store, PS Now cloud gaming services, and any games, apps, or features that require a network connection are all affected by the issues with the PS Network. Some services are experiencing issues, and problems began at around 9:00 am, according to the status page.

The problem doesn't seem to be affecting everyone, as some staffers at The Verge had PS Plus errors while trying to play Elden Ring, but for others, things are working just fine. Everyone in the Midwest has a fully operational PS5 but in New York, everyone is getting error messages.

ただいま、PSN™(PlayStation®Storeを含む)をご利用いただけない場合がございます。ご利用のお客様にはご不便をおかけし大変申し訳ございません。調査及び復旧作業を行っておりますので、いましばらくお待ちいただきますよう宜しくお願い申し上げます。 pic.twitter.com/nrzKIrMVnY

— Ask PlayStation JP (@AskPS_JP) March 23, 2022

All platforms, including the PS5 and PS4 are affected, according to Sony. The company's status page says the company is working to resolve the issues that are rippling across its online services. Some players are reporting issues with their PS Plus subscription and are receiving errors when trying to launch games or access cloud saves. It's not clear if this has anything to do with the system update for the PS4.

The Japanese account of the company confirmed that the network was down. We are conducting an investigation and restoration work, so please be patient.

There isn't a timetable for when the services will be restored. The Verge reached out to the company but didn't hear back.

Notes about the regional reporting of the outage have been added.