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Without buy-in from your company's rank and file, even the cleverest artificial intelligence-derived model will just go around in circles. Companies should start seeing regular people as part of their data strategy. Data teams must work with regular people every day, develop a feel for their problems and opportunities, and embrace their hopes and fears surrounding data, then focus on giving people the tools they need to formulate and solve their own problems. They should ask two questions about each data project. How can we get them involved as soon as possible?

Regular people are central to all data-related work. Without buy-in and contributions from your company's rank and file, even the cleverest artificial intelligence-derived model will just go around in circles. When people help improve data quality, use small amounts of data to improve their team's processes, make better decisions, and contribute to larger data science and data monetization initiatives, costs go down and products get better. Recent research shows that these people are missing from too many data programs, limiting the scale and impact of these efforts.