If elected to the Senate, Rep. MoBrooks will fire Sen. McConnell from his post as Senate GOP leader.

If elected to the Senate, I will not vote for McConnell for leader, and I will do everything in my power to ensure that Republicans choose a conservative to be leader.

America cannot afford a Senate leader who is a weak-kneed debt junkie open-border RINO Republican and who sells out America for special interest group cash.

In his video, he claimed that McConnell had targeted him because he was a principled conservative endorsed by Donald Trump. He said that McConnell is determined to stop the movement and that Donald Trump endorsed candidates for the US Senate.

That is the battle across America. McConnell versus Trump is a war for the heart and soul of the Republican Party.

The congressman included a link to a pledge to "fireMitch McConnell" and also gave visitors the option of donating to his campaign.

The pledge came almost a week after the Washington Examiner published an interview with Trump in which the former president described the congressman as disappointing.

Trump told the outlet that he had been let down by the comments of Mo Brooks, who had made baseless voter fraud claims.

At an Alabama event in August, Brooks was booed after calling on those who were upset about the 2020 election to put that behind them.

Trump told the Examiner that he was disappointed that he gave an inarticulate answer.

I would have no problem changing my endorsement if it meant what he sounded like. I would have no problem doing that if he changed that principle.