Russia is said to be considering pulling out of diplomacy with the US. It is a move that will further inflame international tensions over the country's invasion of Ukraine, both here and beyond our atmosphere, as it may also put the future of the International Space Station right in its crosshairs.

Russia summoned the U.S. ambassador to explain that it was considering severing ties with the US over President Joe Biden's comments about Russian President Vladimir Putin.

ISS Troubling

This can only be bad news for the U.S. and Russia, but it also sets the stage for less conflict if American astronauts and Russian cosmonauts continue to coexist on the International Space Station.

I don't know what this will mean for the International Space Station, but it could remain as the last formal diplomatic activity.

Dr. Brian Weeden thinks it is unlikely that there will be political appetite to partner with Russia for another 8 years.

Russia tells the U.S. envoy to be careful after Biden's comments.

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