There was an update on Mar 20, 2022, 07:34pm.
Ukrainian forces have until 5 a.m. to surrender the besieged city of Mariupol, according to the Russian Defense Ministry. Monday is Moscow time. Russian forces will allow civilians to leave the war-torn city after laying down arms, according to multiple reports.
The maternity hospital in Mariupol was damaged by shelling. This is a file photo of evgeniy Maloletka.
The Russian Colonel General called for the surrender of Mariupol in a state-run media outlet.
The Russian Defense Ministry said it would open humanitarian corridors for Ukrainians trapped in the city after a surrender.
Zelensky accused Russia of committing war crimes in Mariupol in a speech released and translated on his Facebook page Saturday. According to the Washington Post, Ukrainian officials accused Russia of bombing an art school in Mariupol that was being used as a shelter. The Post could not independently verify the claim that about 400 women, children and eldery were inside. Russian forces bombed a theater in Mariupol that was being used to shelter women and children. The Russian word for children was written in large letters on the ground next to the theater two days before it was bombed. A pregnant woman and her baby were killed in a hospital bombing in Mariupol.