elden ring

According to a report from PC Gamer, an Elden Ring exploit is crashing games and throwing them into death loops.

The apparent hack occurs when an invader uses a specific ability, triggering a glitch that causes the host's game to crash. When the player tries to open the game, their character falls to their death.

⚠️Elden Ring PSA for PC players⚠️

There's an exploit going around on PC where hackers will corrupt your save file while you're invaded.

First they will crash your game, and when you open it back up, your character will be constantly falling to their death... pic.twitter.com/8et3bl8T1I

— Mordecai (@EldenRingUpdate) March 18, 2022

It doesn't seem to work 100 percent of the time, but a user suggests a possible solution. If you use Alt + F4 just before your character dies, you will get a little bit more time during your next login. You can warp to a site of grace when you open the game again. The death loop will start over again if you don't get to a site of grace fast. A user on the site reported losing 100 hours of game time.

We will update this article if we find out any new information, but FromSoftware and Bandai Namco have not commented on the situation. If you want to avoid invasions, it's best to back up your save files and play offline.

PC players were vulnerable to dangerous remote code execution attacks because of an exploit in Dark Souls. The players were worried that the issue could affect the Elden Ring. The PC server of Dark Souls has been offline since February.