The planet Venus will be at its greatest elongation on March 20, 2022 and will shine in the evening sky with Saturn and Mars.

The planet Venus will be at its greatest elongation on March 20, 2022 and will shine in the evening sky with Saturn and Mars. (Image credit: Stellarium)

Tonight is a great time to see Venus in the evening sky because it will be at its greatest distance from the sun.

Despite its low altitude, Venus should be easy to spot in the eastern sky. The planet will reach its greatest western extension at 5:35 pm. According to, skywatchers will have the best chance of seeing Venus in the early morning.

Depending on the weather and cloud coverage in your area, Venus should be bright enough to see with the naked eye. You might want to use binoculars to get a better view of the planet. Look to the southeast before sunrise.

How to see the planets in the night sky.

Venus will be 47 degrees west of the sun during its greatest elongation. The planet will appear 50% lit.

The line between the light and dark sides of the planet appears to be straight through telescopes, which is known as greatest elongation.

Skywatchers will get an extra treat when viewing Venus tonight: two bonus planets. Through the end of the month, the trio will appear very close together. Venus will begin to move out of view as Mars and Saturn get ready for a close encounter at the beginning of April.

Check out our guides for the best telescopes and binoculars to view Venus and other night sky events. If you want to take photos of the planets, we have guides for the best cameras andlenses.

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