Thomas Pesquet, who traveled to the International Space Station in a SpaceX Crew Dragon spacecraft late last year, isn't worried about Russia's invasion of Ukraine or the breakdown of international cooperation.

The National reported that he said during this year's expo that everyone is on the same boat.

Pesquet could one day return to the orbital outpost, since he is an active astronaut. He is one of the first Western astronauts to comment on the situation in Ukraine.

Dragon Ride

Pesquet said that Europeans will mostly see the Crew Dragon in the future.

The situation in Ukraine isn't the reason for that.

He said at the event that NASA had new capacity to send people up to the space station.

On the same day a crew of three cosmonauts are traveling to the International Space Station, the comments came.

Business as Usual

Despite new sanctions being aimed at Russia, NASA and the European Space Agency have reassured that operations on board the International Space Station are unaffected.

The country's space program has been cut off from the rest of the world because of the sanctions.

The US and Russian collaboration on the International Space Station is at stake. Business will go on as usual despite a growing crisis despite comments from Pesquet.

The crew of the space station rise above tensions on the ground.

NASA explains what would happen if Russia abandoned the space station.

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