Sorry,Tesla-stans. Electric cars are news. There is a new way to get around.

At least that's a possibility now that automotive company Kawasaki has unveiled a new rideable, robotic goat. The goat was created in partnership with the University of Tokyo.

It is a quadruped, so it moves around on four legs. Unlike a real life ibex, it is very slow and awkward. You can watch for yourself below.

Goat Rodeo

The Bex can carry passengers up to 220 lbs and can be controlled via handlebars. The robot is intended to carry cargo for factories and warehouses.

The goat was created as part of the Kaleido program, which aims to create horrifying humanoid robots. Bex is part of a larger trend of companies looking for more innovative ways to address massive labor shortages hitting global industry.

We could see it being rolled out to companies in the future, even though it is still in the conceptual phase. We'll get closer to getting the robotic mounts when that happens.

Take a look at the electric goat created by the motorcycle maker.

There is a company that put a rifle on a robot.

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