These days, Hanna Hopko cries a lot.

The same country that the Ukrainian activist and former member of the parliament has dedicated her life to serving is now in the throes of a brutal, unprovoked war as Russian forces continue their attacks.

Hopko told Insider that the heartbreaking images and stories coming out of Ukraine are impossible to digest. It is crucial that she keeps busy and helpful.

Hopko is in Poland, where she is holding regular meetings with foreign delegations and international leaders on behalf of Ukraine, since the tanks rolled into the country in the early hours of February 24.

Since the war began, Hopko has met with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Belgium's minister of foreign affairs, and several other people in an effort to get international assistance for her nation.

She told Insider that she needs to stay here and advocate for more support for Ukraine.

—Hanna Hopko (@HopkoHanna) March 13, 2022

Being away is hard, especially with her husband still defending their home country. Hopko said that their cherished family member is back in Kyiv, staying with a friend.

Hopko spoke to Insider from Poland on Friday, March 11, where she discussed the work she has been doing on behalf of Ukraine since Russia invaded three weeks ago. She urged everyday citizens to get involved and highlighted the demands of its international allies.

This interview was lightly edited for clarity and length.

The Russian troops first arrived in the country three weeks ago. What was the experience like?

I was in Kyiv. When the war started, I found out I was on an assassination list. Russia identified political figures.

Many foreign experts and my friends told me that if the Russians occupy Kyiv, they will use your phone number and new technologies to find you. With all your experience, you have to work for your country and not be afraid of being killed.

When you found out you were on a list, what did you do? Were you afraid?

No. It made me even stronger to make the victory happen. There will never be sustainable peace without Ukrainian victory.

People like me and my friends from different civil society organizations will be on the Russian target lists to be killed or poisoned. I have been on the sanction list of the Russian Federation since 2016 because of my service as the head of the Committee on Foreign Affairs for Ukraine's Parliament.

As a mother of an 11-year-old daughter, it is a sad moment that you don't know what will happen.

Is it hard to be separated from your husband?

It is important to be with each other. It is important to know what everyone in our family can do for our country. It is not about us.

When the hospital was bombed in Mariupol, it was important to do everything possible to stop Putin and punish him. This is why we have to defend Ukraine and not allow Putin to take over.

It is difficult because my husband is not with us. Our friend has a guinea pig at his house. There were many times when I was crying and couldn't stop.

I cried a lot during my interviews at different international TV channels, because I cannot accept the idea of seeing newborn kids in bomb shelters. I was crying when I saw pictures of the body of a little Ukrainian girl found in the debris of a Russian attack.

I told myself to stop crying. You have to be strong. The stronger you are, the more efficient you will be.

I saw pictures of the family. The Russians killed his beautiful wife and two kids while they attempted to leave Irpin. The poor guy learned about their deaths on the internet.

I cried when I saw this. This is my nation and my people. As a human being, I have no words to say what this is.

How are you meeting with international leaders? What are you asking the allies of Ukraine?

We want civilized nations to protect Ukraine because it is about humanity. The US is a guarantor of the security of Ukraine.

More than 70% of American people support the no-fly zone.

Polling on Americans' support for a no-fly zone has been inconsistent. A poll conducted by Ipsos found that nearly 70% of Americans supported the step, while a separate YouGov poll found only 45% approved of it.

Antony Blinken sits with members of Ukrainian Civil Society. Hanna Hopko sits to the left of Blinken.
The United States Secretary of State, Antony Blinken speaks with members of Ukrainian Civil Society at the the Bristol Hotel on March 05, 2022 in Rzeszow, Poland. Hanna Hopko sits to the left of Blinken.
Photo by Omar Marques/Getty Images

NATO and its member countries will not impose a no-fly zone due to concerns that it could draw them into a war with Russia. Do you understand what they're saying? What do you think about that explanation?

There is no explanation for why you are not acting when Russia is bombing residential areas and killing kids.

There is a question of why NATO is not afraid that if Putin attacks Ukraine, then the NATO members will be next. The victory of the Ukrainians is important for the NATO members.

Do you think NATO and allied countries are aware of these points? They are hesitant to get more involved.

The US lacks leadership and strategy towards Russia. They have plans for what to do with a failed Ukraine, but they don't know what to do with a Ukraine that is defeating Russia.

Russia is failing in Ukraine, so they don't have a concept of what to do with Russia, which is being defeated by the Ukrainian army and by the fighting spirit of the Ukrainian nation.

The bureaucracy is slow to react to fighter jets for us. All military assistance, like jets, Javelins, and drones, is included.

On Wednesday, March 16, five days after this interview, US President Joe Biden announced an additional $800 million in security assistance to Ukraine, bringing the total to $1 billion this week. Biden said the US will send its most cutting-edge systems to the country, including 800 anti-aircraft systems, 9,000 anti-armor systems, 7,000 small arms, and 20 million rounds of ammunition. The spending bill passed by Congress includes $13.6 billion in aid to Ukraine.

What are the most pressing demands of NATO and allied countries right now?

Anti-aircraft and air-defense missiles, protective gear, and security communications are some of the military assistance that should be given to Ukraine. We proved that we are very strong on the ground after 16 days of war. We don't allow Russians to occupy new cities. Our weakness is anti-air protection and anti-missiles. Air defense missiles and anti-aircraft are needed. This is very important.

The Red Cross should be allowed to save lives with green corridors and help with food supply if Putin is pressed through different international organizations. 400,000 people in Mariupol are hostages and they are drinking water from boiling snow because there is no gas or electricity. One child died of dehydration. Green corridors are used to save lives.

We are collecting evidence to establish an international tribunal to prosecute Putin for war crimes and crimes against humanity. Not just Putin, but his people as well. There are also sanctions against Putin's people, deportations from Western countries, and an embargo on oil.

The Biden administration said its assistance package will include Javelin anti-tank missiles and Stinger anti-aircraft missiles, shoulder-fired AT-4 weapons to be used against armored vehicles, mortar rounds, body armor, helmets, and an undisclosed number of other items.

Do you think there will be more help coming?

I hope there will be more, but time is of the essence here. We can't just sit and hear explanations. No. We can save people. Children will die.

Does morality end at the NATO border?

What do you want Americans to know about the situation in Ukraine?

The victory of Ukraine protects you from tyranny, from genocide, and from nuclear threats. It is in your interest as well.

I asked if morality ends at the NATO border. No. I want President Biden to demonstrate leadership in standing up to Putin.

Ukrainian refugees in Poland
Ukrainian refugees are seen after crossing into Poland on March 13, 2022.

What can the average American or European citizen do to help?

We signed petitions to the American president. The women signed a letter to Biden with their demands. If you follow the demands in the letter, you could start something similar.

Work with Congress and the White House on a political level. Donate to the Ukrainian army or join the International Legion to stop Russians and help Ukrainian refugees because they are smart people and they could contribute to different nations and also contribute to your country. They have experience in business. It is important that we contribute to the development of the world because we are a very educated nation.

The US State Department warned US citizens not to go to Ukraine to participate in the war on Friday, March 11. The US is unable to provide assistance to Americans who choose to go because they risk capture or death, according to the State Department.

Do you want to share any other messages?

There is no doubt that Ukraine will win and prevail, so I invite Americans to visit. We have a lot of history. During the last century, we have survived two World Wars.

In America, you build your nation saying, "In God We Trust", but we in Ukraine would also like to see and trust in NATO and the US because it's also about the credibility of international organizations."

It is not just about us. Putin is attacking American society. This is why it is about your protection.

We are one of the oldest nations on the European continent and so it is in God's plan to save us. Either you join us and help us defeat this tyranny or you will be shameful for not stopping Putin for many years.