Jackson died in solitary confinement in May of 2021. Jackson was arrested for disorderly conduct as his family tried to take him to the hospital. Jackson's family are still waiting to find out if police will be held accountable. After his sister and mother tried to get him to the hospital, he died in the jail in Brandon, Mississippi. Megan Jackson told Insider that her brother was hallucinating and screaming that he saw snakes while he stabbed the floorboard of the car with a letter opener. She said that he jumped out of the car as they pulled through the front gates of the neighborhood to leave. I jumped out and begged to not hurt him. He is hallucinating. Megan said that he needs medical assistance. Jackson was charged with resisting arrest, disorderly conduct, and brandishing a deadly weapon in a threatening manner and taken to jail. He died in a chair. When Jackson was arrested on the charges, Megan told Insider, the deputies were making things up to take him. All police-involved deaths in Mississippi must be investigated by a separate law-enforcement agency that is appointed to the case by the state Attorney General. The Mississippi Bureau of Investigation is a statewide police force that is housed within the Mississippi Department of Public Safety. The MBI told Insider that it turned over its investigation into Jackson's death to the district attorney's office. The office of the district attorney did not respond to the request for comment. Jackson's family are still waiting for answers from the sheriff's office and the MBI about how he died. Jackson's death is one of at least four in 2021. Insider previously reported the deaths of two people. The sheriff's department held a man who died in their custody in July. Less than a month later, McKinley was shot and killed inside his grandparents home. Robert Rushton, who police said was armed with two knives, was shot and killed by the sheriff's office. No charges have been brought in any of these cases. Jackson's family told Insider that detectives have not given them any information about how he died. The documents obtained by Insider through public-records requests shed light on what happened to Jackson. Jackson was arrested by a deputy after he refused to drop the letter opener. Jackson was placed in the back of a patrol car by two more deputies. Jackson kicked the doors, door glasses, and banged his head on the inside of the cage as he screamed that snakes were trying to get him, according to the incident report. A responding deputy reported that a crew member told the ambulance company that Jackson was too violent for them to do anything and that he needed to come off his high. Pafford did not reply immediately. Jackson's sister said that jail was where he needed to go and thanked the responding deputies, according to the deputy's narrative. Megan Jackson denied that she agreed to allow her brother to be taken to jail. Megan said that she knows him on drugs and that he needs medical attention. According to Megan, she and her mother offered to follow behind the patrol car if the police would take Jackson to the hospital. After they reassured Megan that her brother would be fine, she was able to come and pick him up. Three hours later, Jackson died. Jackson was taken to the Adult Detention Center. In the booking reports obtained by Insider, the arresting deputy wrote that Jackson was not able to answer the questions about the coronaviruses. Insider obtained the policies and protocols of the Adult Detention Center through a public-records request. The policy states that admissions officers must refuse to accept prisoners and send them to an appropriate medical facility. Jackson was admitted to the jail and immediately assigned to solitary confinement for the sake of his safety. Jackson would not comply with any orders and would bang his head against the wall and floor. Jackson was stripped naked and put in a helmet. Jackson was dragged by his arms naked across the cement jail floor and into a solitary confinement cell in a jail video reviewed by Insider. Insider reviewed video footage of Jackson inside the cell and it shows him hallucinating. At one point, he crawls under the metal cot bolted to the wall at the back of the cell, as he swings his arms and legs wildly. When he emerged from the cot, his helmet had fallen off and he had blood on his temple. Jackson was checked in the isolation cell twice by jail officers and nurses. He continued screaming to get the snake off of him. After about 15 minutes, three officers wrestled Jackson into a chair. The restraining chair and straps were chained to his wrists, forearms, chest, waist, and ankles in the middle of the cell block. Every 15 minutes, jail officers continued to check on Jackson. Drenched in sweat and naked save for a padded helmet that repeatedly slips down over his nose and mouth, Jackson thrashed against the restraints in increasing distress before collapsing against the chair just after 3 a.m. Insider reviewed jail documents and the medical examiner's report and found that officers tried to save Jackson's life, but he was declared dead shortly after. According to Megan Jackson, Cory was complaining of head and chest pain before he hallucinating. Jackson's family maintains that he did not use drugs on the day he died, but a medical examiner says he died of a heart attack due to methamphetamine intoxication. His death was ruled an accident. Symptoms of a meth overdose can include irregular heartbeat, chest pain, paranoia, and seizures, according to Mount Sinai. It is not clear why the deputy took Jackson to jail rather than transporting him to the hospital or why the jail admissions officer booked him at the jail rather than refusing his entry because of his mental condition. Insider did not get a response from the sheriff's department about whether Jackson's admission to the jail was in line with its policy. The director of operations for the People's Harm Reduction Alliance, a Washington State-based organization that provides harm reduction and health services to people who use drugs, told Insider that paramedics typically will transport combative patients who are drug users to a hospital. I don't know how many times I've seen paramedics strapped someone to the gurney, take them to the hospital, and give them a tranquilizer to calm them down. The judgement of people who are supposed to be there to help can be affected by a combination of burnout and stigma surrounding drug use, which can sometimes lead to first responders dehumanizing someone that they see as a drug user. There could be other issues that people are having, but no one looks further. Al-Hakim said that Jackson would likely have been unconscious by the time he arrived at the hospital, if paramedics had not refused to take him there. According to Al-Hakim, the paramedics violated the Hippocratic oath when they refused to take Jackson to the hospital. The fact that like they were, we won't do that is awful. The UCLA Integrated Substance Abuse Programs and UCLA School of Medicine concluded in a peer-reviewed study that the best immediate treatment for severe symptoms of meth-induced psychosis is a combination of sedatives and anti-psychotics. An MBI investigator didn't see any wrongdoing on the video, but they wouldn't let Jackson's family see it. Redell said that the MBI has not told her family if the investigation is over. A lot of attorneys around here won't take on the case of the sheriff's department, which is why Megan Jackson's family wants to file a lawsuit. Megan told Insider that they wanted them to know that he was a person too and that they could not get away with what they did to him. He needed a hospital and they took him away from us. The original article can be found on Insider. A white North Carolina woman is the subject of a criminal investigation after stealing a sign from another person. People with food allergies are not faking it or doing it for attention, and they don't deserve to have their health weaponized against them. Few know that Amazon has millions of Prime subscribers. Elizabeth spent most of her life dealing with anxiety and nausea. Doctors found a tumor that caused her symptoms. 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'How can they refuse someone who needs medical attention?'
Surveillance footage shows Jackson's death in jail
Jackson's family left with unanswered questions