Image Credits: Bryce Durbin/TechCrunch

The advice column that answers immigration-related questions about working at technology companies is in another edition.

Questions are vital to the spread of knowledge that allows people all over the world to rise above borders and pursue their dreams, says a Silicon Valley immigration attorney.

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Thank you, dear Sophie.

Most of my clients are based in the United States, but I live in India and run a startup there. We established a Delaware C Corp before the Pandemic. We have three full-time contractors doing business in the U.S., and I have a valid B-1/B-2 visitor visa.

I'm considering moving to the U.S. with my family and buying a home. What are the best options?

In India, it's abysmal.

You are Dear, Intrepid.

It's the perfect time for international startup founders to move to the United States. Most areas in the U.S. are ending restrictions related to the Pandemic. Through the end of the year, some consulates are waiving visa interviews. You will be able to avoid likely fee increases if you apply now. I covered the changes and updates in a recent episode.

I recommend that you consult with an experienced immigration attorney who can advise you based on your and your family's specific circumstances and goals. Do you have a co-founder? Will your spouse need to work for you to buy a house in the U.S.? These are important conversations to have with your attorney.

As of the end of 2021, the US Citizenship and Immigration Services had an 8 million case backlog, so it's important to consider a pathway that will allow Premium Processing for a fast adjudication of your underlying petition.

If you've never been denied a U.S. visa, the consular officers can waive your in-person interview for an L-1A or O-1A visa.

L-1A visa

The L-1A visa is a great option for international entrepreneurs. The L-1A allows your spouse to apply for a work permit as an L-1A dependent, and also allows you to apply for an EB-1C green card.