Many Russians are fleeing the collapsing economy due to the worsening situation inside Russia. According to a Russian journalist, the Director of the Roscosmos is prohibiting employees from leaving the nation.

State owned companies use the stick directly and prohibit their workers to leave the country. Consider this executive order by Rogozin, the CEO of a state owned Roskosmos aerospace company. He prohibited his employees to go abroad, correctly understanding they might not return

— Kamil Galeev (@kamilkazani) March 10, 2022

According to a Russian journalist, IT workers are fleeing. Their technological skills are in demand. They are in high demand in Russia, and the director of the Roscosmos is preventing them from leaving.

This is part of a growing brain drain problem in Russia as sanctions cripple the economy and as prospects dwindle. Russian border guards have been told to prevent IT workers from leaving the country.

It seems border guards are instructed not to allow the IT specialists out. I made screenshots from Russian chats on how to leave the country. There's only one rule: tell you're not from IT. Swear you are humanities grad, they'll let you out of Russia. Don't confess you're a coder

— Kamil Galeev (@kamilkazani) March 10, 2022
A modern nation can’t function properly without IT people. Neither the economy, nor the military, nor Roscosmos can be effective without them. It’s easy to see why Russia doesn’t want them to leave.

They are leaving in large numbers.

Who is leaving? Well, one obvious answer is – dissidents and whoever disagrees with what's happening. That's not wrong. But another answer is: whoever has marketable skills that make them employable on the international market. Tech, IT, engineering, hard sciences

— Kamil Galeev (@kamilkazani) March 9, 2022

More than 25,000 Russians have left the country to go to Georgia. There is no official count of how many people have fled to other countries. A Russian-educated economist says 200,000 Russians have left Russia. There is no way of knowing what level or type of education these people have, although it is likely that they all disagree with Putin.

All smart people in the country understand how frightening the perspectives are. People are leaving all over the place. Tbilisi is the most popular destination for emigration. The person said that people fly to Yerevan to get out.

What effect this will have on Russia will only be known in the future. It might be a problem for Roscosmos. Is space travel more technologically intensive than any other?

No one knows what will happen after the war ends. Along with other parts of the technological economy, Roscosmos could be in rough shape. If the brain drain gets bad enough, the income from rocket-launching will be in jeopardy.

Russia and Putin have their own prestige as well. For leaders with no democratic legitimacy, prestige and appearances are important. Putin's status is boosted by each rocket launch.

Nobody knows what Putin will do next. He is inscrutable. It signals desperation to prevent employees from leaving the country.

A desperate Putin is not a good thing.