A Trump critic is worried that his comments about race could be interpreted as a call for a violent uprising like the January 6, 2021, Capitol siege.

The former President's message that eliminating critical race theory from schools is a matter of national survival puts a target on the back of every teacher who teaches the truth about history and systemic inequalities.

She said that his Saturday speech during a South Carolina rally promoted anti-democratic violence, and that it was similar to his call to fight like hell.

Trump's comments were interpreted as either a statement of truth, an attempt to stay relevant, or a call to arms from someone who knows his followers will understand his message as white national survival.

Cho, who leads the #TruthBeTold campaign, said that this entreaty is not a standard campaign slogan.

She said that his rhetoric seeks to create a group of people with white grievance, antisemitic, anti-feminist, and anti-LGBTQ fantasies that would threaten the physical, emotional and mental health of our most vulnerable students and their parents and educators.

Critical race theory, the study of racism in US laws, has been disdained by Trump since late in his administration. He created a commission to promote patriotism and education in schools after issuing an executive order prohibiting certain diversity training in the federal government. Educators say that is not true.

He believes that the teaching of psychological abuse for children and a program for national suicide is a way of portraying America as evil.

The fate of any nation depends on the willingness of its citizens to lay down, and they must do this, he said.

—Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) March 13, 2022

Some conservatives heard his words differently, but they said he is correct.

Adam Waldeck, president of the 1776 Action group that supports laws, said that if those pushing this toxicity are not removed from our classrooms, school boards and education bureaucracy, then we will have generations of Americans who wrongly believe our nation is bad and not worth defending.

Glenn Youngkin, who kept Trump at a distance during his campaign but who has also targeted critical race theory, is a former campaign advisor to Jeff Roe. He agrees with Trump and doesn't think the comments encourage violence.

He said that Republicans feel like the country is going to shit and that American pride is waning.

The cultural fight that is most meaningful in Republican politics is the question of who will keep President Joe Biden and the progressive left from taking away the things that we hold most dear.

The core of the Republicans right now is that.

Cho said it was clear that Trump was calling on the same white power militias and paramilitary extremists who broke into the Capitol to be put down. She said that his rhetoric was putting a target on the back of anyone who wanted to discuss the effects of discrimination and inequalities.

Michael Steele, the former Republican National Committee Chairman, was a critic of Trump.

He said in an email that he was the one who fomented an insurrection against America.

Candidates who reject the 2020 election results have been endorsed by Trump. He has been saying that he will run for president in 2024.

Lucy Caldwell, a former Republican who managed Joe Walsh's 2020 presidential campaign, said that some of his rhetoric is about staying relevant.

She said that he was not in power and that he was raising a lot of money. It serves Trump as well.

Doug Heye, a Republican strategist, said that the country is addicted to Trump's statements. His base will love his comments, and if it inflames the left, that is even better.

He said that Trump is like a professional wrestler, if you cheer or boo him.