A French Apple fan was able to get his new machine today due to a store error, despite the fact that the Mac Studio isn't set to launch until Friday, March 18. An unnamed store gave a customer the Mac Studio early, and he shared an initial photo of the device.

Simon, the customer, will be giving additional photos later today, but as of right now, there is not a lot to see.

Every so often a retail partner makes a mistake, but Apple tries to keep products from going out to customers early. A customer got an M1 iPad Pro several days before launch, and multiple people were able to secure AirTags before their debut date.

Customers in Australia and New Zealand will be the first to receive the devices, aside from machines that end up going out early.

The Mac Studio is equipped with Apple's highest-end chips, including the M1 Max and Ultra. The Studio Display, the iPad Air, and the iPhone SE will all be included in the Mac Studio.

The Mac Studio is sold out until April, after it was sold out last week at the Peek Performance event. Those who were not able to place an order for launch day delivery will be able to purchase base models in Apple's retail stores on Friday.

There are more photos of the Mac Studio on the Mac4Ever website.