NASA insists that everything is fine despite the head of Russia's space program going off the rails after the invasion of Ukraine.

The manager of NASA's International Space Station program told CNN on Monday that operations with the Russian space program continue to go well.

Vande Hei will return to Earth via the Russian craft on March 30. The crew will land in Russia, where they will work at a space facility.

War of the Words

Vande Hei will return to an Earth that is very different from the one he left.

Russia has unleashed a bloody invasion attempt of Ukraine, and even though he has a reputation for bluster and chaos, the head of the Roscosmos has gone as far as threatening the International Space Station.

NASA has insisted that operations between the two space programs have not been affected by the tensions. Depending on how things play out, Vande Hei's trip could be one of the last trips a NASA astronauts takes in a Soyuz vehicle.

The US is developing more reliable transportation to and from the International Space Station without the help of Russia.

We will likely see a smooth journey home for Vande Hei if Rogozin decides to put his money where his account is and abandon the astronauts completely. Good thing too. He should be given a break from life threatening situations at the hands of Russia.

The American aboard the International Space Station will come back on a Russian rocket.

Russia promises not to abandon NASA on the space station.

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