A new party game called "Rifftrax: The Game" is all about creating the most crowd-pleasing text-to-voicedub to cover B-movie footage. It is launching for the current and previous generation consoles on May 5th at a price of $9.99. Mike Nelson, Bill Corbett, and Kevin Murphy are among the experts who comment on B-movie comedies.

The goal of the game is to create the most ridiculous and clever dubs for each clip so that other players can vote on which they like best. A big part of the fun is that players can vote without knowing who wrote each entry. You will get to know whoever you are playing with very quickly.

The game features a lot of movie clips. You can add your humor to the game in two ways. Pick from jokes made by the RiffTrax team or generate it from scratch.

There are six players in the game. If you have more participants than controllers, people can join your game via a unique room code at the website. Voice chat and crossplay are supported.

The game allows the audience to cast votes. moderation, privacy, and content tools are included in the game to ensure that your stream remains problem-free.

It was an excellent way to get everyone involved in a single activity, and I played it a few times before the epidemic began. It seems like more of that for a nominal price. It might be better if the jokes built-in by the RiffTrax team made it easier for those who aren't so fast at the draw to play. If you're looking for a party game, this might be it.