GOP senators refused to show up for a committee vote on the whole slate in February, which meant the panel lacked a quorum to hold a vote.
She failed to adequately answer questions about her time on the board of a Colorado financial institution. There is no evidence of wrongdoing on her part, but they have suggested that she used her influence as a former Fed board member to help that firm.
Their opposition to her candidacy was based on her views on climate change. GOP lawmakers argue that the banks are capable of assessing their own investment risks and that regulators are overstepping their bounds in pressing banks to prepare for the potential financial ramifications from a warming planet.
She is one of the most qualified people to have ever been nominated for the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, according to the White House.
Chris Meagher said in a statement that she has earned widespread support in the face of an unprecedented, baseless campaign led by oil and gas companies that sought to tarnish her distinguished career.