Israel's parliament has renewed a law that prevents Israeli citizens from extending citizenship or residency to Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and Gaza. The law was enacted during the Palestinian uprising. Critics think it is a racist measure to maintain the country's Jewish majority. The law does not apply to Jewish settlers in the West Bank because they already have Israeli citizenship. The Knesset did not have the support of the governing coalition to pass the law. The law was supported by the opposition but they did not vote for it to be embarrassing. During the several months when the law was campaigning for its renewal, the interior minister took measures to prevent family unification. She and other officials have acknowledged that it is intended to preserve Israel's Jewish majority. The law passed late Thursday with help from the opposition but without the Meretz and the United Arab List, an Arab party that made history by joining the governing coalition last year. The bill was a victory for a Jewish and democratic state, and a defeat for a state for all its citizens, according to Shaked. Ayman Odeh is an Arab lawmaker. The law mainly affects the Arab minority, which makes up 20% of Israel's population and has close family ties to Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza. They have citizenship, including the right to vote, and have gained acceptance and influence in a number of spheres, but still face discrimination. At the height of the second intifada, or uprising, in 2003 the Citizenship and Entry into Israel Law was enacted as a temporary measure. Proponents said that security vetting alone was insufficient and that Palestinians from the occupied West Bank and Gaza were vulnerable to recruitment by armed groups. After the uprising ended in 2005, the number of attacks plummeted. More than 100,000 Palestinian workers from the West Bank enter Israel on a regular basis. Because of the law, Arab citizens can't bring spouses from the West Bank and Gaza into Israel. Thousands of families are affected by the policy. The law does not apply to the nearly 500,000 Jewish settlers who live in the West Bank, which Israel captured in the 1967 war and which the Palestinians want for their future state. Jews who come to Israel from anywhere in the world are eligible for citizenship under Israel's Law of Return. They have never been right before. Intelligence officials warned that Russian forces would blame the attack on Ukraine. Put your ideas into action with the cloud products and services from Microsoft. British intelligence warned Boris Johnson about granting a peerage to his friend. His wife worked with groups that presented cases to the Supreme Court and Thomas was not happy with politics in the court. The United States and its allies imposed new sanctions on Russia on Friday, targeting trade and shutting down development funds, in response to the country's invasion of Ukraine. Biden criticized those in the United States who wanted an active U.S. military presence in Ukraine or American backing of a no-fly zone to protect Ukrainians from Russian forces. The professionally-installed gutter guard from LeafFilter keeps you off the ladder. The member of the House January 6 committee admits that he voted against the former president's first impeachment because he thought US troops were in Ukraine. This is a shameful and illegal act, and one of the two Republicans who voted against the first impeachment of Donald Trump said he regretted his vote. Conspiracy theories about the point of origin of the coronaviruses have been fed by false claims from Russia. 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There are many animals that have long life spans. India's government said on Friday that a technical malfunction led to the accidental firing of a missile. 76ers fans jeered Ben Simmons. The Nets won their game in Philadelphia last night. The Supplemental Security Income Restoration Act was introduced in Congress in June of last year. Supplemental Security Income, or SSI, is a part of the Social Security system that helps low-income seniors and people with disabilities. Currently, about 8.1 million Americans receive SSI benefits. The experts can't explain the strange things discovered on Mars. Good morning, Arizona. You need to know what to do to start your day. Russian jets took off from a base in Belarus and entered Ukrainian airspace after attacking a village near the border. The ruble is down against the dollar on the Moscow exchange.Associated Press
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