In a recent interview with Empire Magazine, Benedict said that his second outing could have the same success as Tom Holland's Spider-man capper.

Multiverse will see Strange explore more and more of the multiverse, about which we know very little. It will be up to Strange to hopefully sort everything out before reality collapses at the seams. The movie will remind the hero how his actions have consequences, just like the first film and the Strange-specific episode of What If?

There's a lot of self discovery and a lot of reckoning in the film, according to Cumberbatch, who said that his hero is a stranger to himself for the early parts of the film. One of the most dangerous things Wong can do is try to rewrite reality in No Way Home despite being told how bad of an idea it is. We know that he will become a multi-armed monster in the film, and that he will cross paths with an evil version of himself.

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness will be released on May 6.

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