According to new research published in the journal Science Advances, the crater underneath the northwestern ice sheet is millions of years older than previously thought. The crater, which is big enough to swallow Washington, D.C., was first discovered in 2015. The crater is thought to have been created 58 million years ago when a meteorite hit Earth. The impact had the force of 1 million atomic bombs and slammed into a small island that was covered in rainforest and not the ice and snow that blanketed the rest of the world today. The research was done by the Statens Naturhistorisk Museum and Globe Institute at the University of Copenhagen and the Swedish Museum of Natural History. Scientists were able to determine the age of the crater by analyzing sand grains and stones. The samples were analyzed by heating the sand grains with a laser until they release the gas argon, which was used to reveal the crater's age. The lead scientist on the study said that he used a laser to release the argon gas that had accumulated in the sand grain. Carbon dating is a bit like carbon dating, but with this technique we can work out the age of the oldest rocks on Earth. Uranium lead was used to confirm the crater's age. Kenny said he analyzed stones from the crater for the mineral zirconium and used it to determine the age. There is no reversal in the trend of the ice loss in Greenland. Kenny said that scientists can determine when the zircon crystals in the stones formed by looking at the ratio of the two minerals in the crystals. Kenny said that the two dating methods used to confirm the age of the crater was a strength of the new research. The meteorite crater in Greenland was formed 58 million years ago. He jumped off the trail into deeper snow, covering his head with his arms. The Sun can be a mystical glowing orb. It becomes a fire-breathing beast. The largest prominence eruption ever was caused when our star belched hot plasma 2.2 million miles into space. This happened when the solar prominence couldn't hold all the plasma in. The visible surface of a star's photoosphere can be seen in a telescope. The style of these boots goes a long way. There are features of the Boot. Customs officials declared "Icky." The closest black hole is not a black hole at all. Astronomers say it is a two-star system where one star is sucking the life out of the other. The European Southern Observatory reported the discovery of the closest black hole to Earth in 2020. Are you a fan of space? You will want to watch this. The prices of electric cars are close to being given away. A new tick disease is becoming more common in Pennsylvania. It appears you had a nice, relaxing trip to the park after your trip to Vegas, based on the videos. A Lafayette firefighter was injured after being forced over the ledge of an overpass when a semi-truck hit a nearby firetruck. The experts can't explain the strange things discovered on Mars. SkyWest Airlines gave a 90-day notice to the Department of Transportation that it is leaving 29 airports. There was a glaring omission from the former White House press secretary's video. Donald Trump's campaign used a weapon against Joe Biden: that the former vice president has been in politics for almost 50 years. Everyone needs to know about this popular grocery chain. In a jam-packed new episode of The New Abormal, co-host Molly Jong-Fast ripped into the Republican congress people. The majority of the game against Kansas was played by West Virginia. The man was ejected in the first half. The brain makes memories. A group of researchers with the US National Institute of Health published a study. They say they have identified and observed specific brain cells that are responsible for creating and storing human memories. Scientists might have figured out how memories work first on BGR. Kelly was ordered to pay Brandon Blackstock a huge amount in monthly support as well as a one-time sum of over a million dollars. Everything I know is wrong. A host of non-native plants and animals are being killed by fruit trees. You can speak in 43 languages with this invention. Hayek posed without pants in an oversized T-shirt on her social media accounts. She is in great shape because of short daily workouts. ThisTriumph will have a range of 4,700 miles. South Korea's presidential election was won by a conservative.USA TODAY
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