Advanced imaging reveals new cellular and molecular details of coral-algae relationship
A branching Acropora yongei coral. This 40x magnified image was captured using a handheld digital microscope. Credit: Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego / Angus Thies.

Researchers at UC San Diego's Scripps Institution of Oceanography have discovered a novel process that corals use to control the subcellular environment of the algae that live inside them.

Nitrogen and carbon dioxide can be transferred through the coral's cellular membranes to the algae. The coral and algae live in a beneficial relationship. The team was not able to predict the day-night changes in the areas they observed.

The interface between the animal hosts and the plants that live inside them is a dynamically controlled microenvironment, according to a PhD student who works in the laboratory of a marine scientist. In the March 11 issue of Science Advances, Thies and his co-authors describe the first direct observations of the cellular interface between corals and their symbiotic algae. The study was supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation.

It would have been nearly impossible to get the findings reported in Science Advances. The group had invested a lot of time in figuring out how to prepare corals for science. The laser confocal super-resolution system was funded by the Arthur M. and Kate E. Tode Research Endowment in Marine Biological Sciences at UC San Diego.

The team was able to see the coral at a resolution that was more than double that of the lab's previous microscope. The features are only 120 nanometers apart. A human hair is over 100,000 nanometers thick.

Studies show that corals regulate how much nitrogen they give to their algae. If the algae receive too much nitrogen, they may grow and multiply quickly.

Just like humans, coral health and disease can be tracked at the cellular level. The coral thrives when things go well on the cellular level. When things go wrong, it can lead to malfunction or disease, includingbleaching, which is the most important interface on the entire reef.

Symbioses play an important role in living systems. Humans have a relationship with the organisms that live in our gut. There is a difference.

In humans,bacteria live outside of our cells in the inside of our gut and on our skin. The cells of the host animal are very tight. It is like having a roommate for the rest of your life and you hope it is a good one. You want to make everyone happy.

Advanced imaging reveals new cellular and molecular details of coral-algae relationship
Left: Super-resolution confocal image of a coral host cell and its intracellular symbiotic alga. Right: 3D rendering using Imaris software which allows better visualization of the cellular patterns. Credit: Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego

At first glance, corals look like colorful rocks, but they are among the most important animals on Earth. One billion people rely on coral reef ecosystems for their food and yet scientists don't know how corals function at the cellular level.

Nitrogen delivery to the symbiotic algae can be disrupted by a cellular mechanism. To understand what happens when a process goes wrong, scientists need to establish how it works in healthy corals. How is this process changed by pollution or climate change?

Under certain conditions of climate change, this mechanism is disrupted and can lead to bleaching because the algae don't have enough or they have too much nitrogen.

Thies, who received his undergraduate degree in marine biology at UC San Diego, began working on this project as an undergraduate student. He is a graduate fellow of the National Science Foundation and a PhD student of the Scripps Oceanography.

Corals require a lot of aquarium care because they are complicated symbiotic animals. A team of six UC San Diego undergrad and graduate students earned an acknowledgment in the Science Advances paper for their efforts.

Although the lab studies many different organisms, what they find in one often appears in another. Some of the same genes may be shared by corals, sharks, and algae, but they put them to different uses. Two coral species that are the same depth might use different adaptations.

LEGO bricks are similar to cellular building blocks. In a coral, there are many enzymes. The Osedax worm feeds on whale carcasses and helps it eat through bone. In shark and stingray gills, the same enzymes are involved in maintaining blood acidity.

Evolution is fascinating at the cellular level, because the proteins are the same, but they are in different cellular compartments and put in a wildly different function.

The research team included Alex R.Quijada-Rodriguez, Haonan Zhouyao, and Prof. Dirk Weihrauch of the University of Manitoba.

More information: Angus Thies et al, A Rhesus channel in the coral symbiosome membrane suggests a novel mechanism to regulate NH3 and CO2 delivery to algal symbionts, Science Advances (2022). DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abm0303. Journal information: Science Advances Citation: Advanced imaging reveals new cellular and molecular details of coral-algae relationship (2022, March 11) retrieved 11 March 2022 from This document is subject to copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study or research, no part may be reproduced without the written permission. The content is provided for information purposes only.