Green phones are having a moment.
Photo by Allison Johnson / The Verge

Is there a promotional tie-in? My husband was looking for answers. This was not a satisfying answer, so he continued.

Is it an environmental thing? Are they made out of recycled plastic?

I told him that. They are just regular phones, but green.

I bet it's for St. Patty's Day, but it's unlikely that Apple would release a new phone color.

Apple announced some really interesting new hardware, including a new desktop for creatives and a display that doesn't cost a fortune. The new colors for the 13 Pro Max are regular green and alpine green.

“Alpine green” on the left, and just “green” on the right.
Photo by Allison Johnson / The Verge

I put the two green iPhones on the dining room table next to the green flagship phone. I was surprised by how much I liked the green treatment when I reviewed it.

I have three different shades of green on three different phones. The regular green on the standard iPhone is a little saturated, more Kelly green than I was expecting. It makes the Apple logo stand out. Alpine green is a bit softer. They both make the green S22 look less green than I thought it was, and more of a deep blue-green.

a green phone just looks different, but not in an attention-hungry kind of way

I don't know what it is about the green phone or why they are having a moment. They're not the first green phones by any means, and they're not the only ones. It is noteworthy when the two top phone makers in the US offer their flagships in various green treatments. The rest of us missed a memo. Who makes these decisions? Green is not the color of the year.

A green phone doesn't look like it's in an attention-hungry way. It is a subtle statement that makes you wonder about the person carrying it. They have their shit together. They drink enough water every day because they have already filed their taxes. Maybe they have figured something out that the rest of us have not. It is also the color of American money.

The current best green phone is the iPhone 13 Pro, followed by the standard iPhone 13 and the S22, which is third.